定期無料ライブセミナー | 個別デモンストレーション |
本社の技術陣がライブデモンストレーション(無料)を行います。 ご参加ご希望の方はご案内詳細をご確認いただき下記のお申込みサイトからお申込み下さい。 |
個別のお客様限定でご希望の日時にご指定(お持込)の材料でご希望の成形条件でトライアルを行うデモンストレーションです。(有料)ご希望の方は以下の詳細資料をご確認の上、以下の個別デモンストレーションのお申込みサイトからお問合せまたはお申込み下さい |
日時:2015年1月23日(金) 午後1:30~3:00 場所:長野市内 お申込みは3日前に締切らせていただきます。 |
"無料ライブセミナー"のご案内はこちら(PDF)>> | 個別デモンストレーション詳細はこちら(PDF)>> |
デモトライアル金型一覧(射出成形およびコンプレッション用)はこちら>> |
RocTool has Injection Molding and Composite Processing Capabilities
RocTool headquarters FRANCE
GRAND IMTU 19 June 2012
Mr. Arthur Wang
9-28 ,Chinchuan Road, Taya 42879
Taichung, Taiwan
Tel: +886 4 2567 8659
Fax: +886 4 2568 8209
PROPLAST Consortium for the promotion of the plastic culture was created in 1997 with the aim to promote the plastic culture in Italy. Originally created by Bayer, Basell, Guala and Mossi & Ghisolfi Group, in a short time a lot of companies decided to join the project giving it more and more importance in the plastic italian and European scenario.
PROPLAST Consortium has more than 3000sqm of technological labs dedicated to plastics engineering. It counts 220 members. Proplast tecnology transfer and R&D activities have today a significant importance in the Italian and European plastics scenario.
Mr. Piero Cavigliasso
Strada Savonesa
9 - Rivalta Scrivia
Tortona AL
Tel. 0131/1859731
IMTU Italy 31 May 2012
The Kunststoff-Institut Lüdenscheid provides support with the selection, development and optimization of products, moulds and processes in all areas of plastics technology.
The Kunststoff-Institut Lüdenscheid is fully equipped with Cage System® & 3iTech® technologies.
Emphasizes on increasing the quality and economic efficiency in the plastics industry, was founded in 1988 as an “extended workbench” and is thus one of the most experienced service providers in this field of expertise.
KIMW is a private-sector service provider supported by an association of shareholders of approximately 145 companies.
Name of part - Interior car part
RocTool technology – Cage System®
Name of part – Naviblend
RocTool technology – 3iTech® Integrated Internal Induction
Kunststoff - Institut Lüdenscheid
Karolinenstraße 8
58507 Lüdenscheid
Phone: +49 (0) 23 51 / 10 64-1 91
IMTU Germany 7 & 8 July 2010
Institut fuer Verbundwerkstoffe GmbH
Erwin-Schroedinger-Str., Geb. 58
67663 Kaiserslautern
Tel: +49 (0) 631 2017 309
Fax: +49 (0) 631 2017 199
PEP, a centre of expertise, technological innovation within the plastics industry, able to conduct studies, simulations & part designs. PEP has an impressive trials centre, equipped with 9 injection presses ranging from 15 tonnes to 2200 tonnes.
PEP is located in the centre of the “Plastics Valley” (Oyonnax, France) also where RocTool held their 2nd IMTU in 2008.
Name of part – Engine cover
RocTool technology – Cage System®
Temp – mold surface heating time 80°C to 180°C, the mold can heat up to 350°C
Pôle Européen de Plasturgie
2, rue P. et M. Curie
01100 Bellignat
Tel : (33) 4 74 81 92 92
PEP IMTU 28 October 2008
The Polymers Center of Excellence is a not-for-profit organization created by the state of North Carolina to assist the plastics industry. RocTool and PCE held their IMTU USA in June 2010 showcasing the Cage System® technology.
PCE have a 165 ton, tiebar-less, all-electric Engel injection molding machine available for mold trials and short-run molding.
IMTU USA 2 June 2012